Your Business Needs PR Services… Here’s Why:

Public Relations, or PR, is intrinsically linked to the success and survival of your company when done well to build – and manage  your brand image. PR, unlike other marketing strategies, focuses on strengthening relationships rather than sales. However, through the combined efforts of PR and marketing techniques, your company will yield higher success rates than implementing one without the other. PR includes but is not limited to: media and social networking, event planning, crisis prevention, management recovery, press releases, internal communication and more. The possibilities are limitless.

Most companies ignore their online media presence because of a simple oversight and lack of time. Business owners are busy doing what they do best… running their business. Their time spent interfacing with clients, creating new offerings and managing day to day operations leave little to no time to think about sending a blast to local publications to invite them to see their latest offering, or to think about what to post to their company’s Instagram profile. Other companies neglect PR efforts because they feel they cannot afford it, or do not know its value. What these companies do not know is that an assertive brand image is most commonly associated with profitable businesses which proactively create long-term solutions through PR. Internet-induced branding has expanded upon traditional media outlets, and created new opportunities for their company to gain positive PR online. By creating a strategy for utilizing the Internet to create the best image of your business, and infusing it with pre-contemporary forms of print media exposure, your company or brand will be not only recognized on a greater scale, but in people’s minds as well.

From creating engaging, active social media presences on various platforms for your company and proactively managing user-driven sites like Yelp, companies can gain their own control over how they are represented in the digital sphere. By allowing potential clients and customers to perform a quick Google search of your company’s name, they should be able to find instant gratification by quickly landing on your website, Facebook page, Instagram profile, Yelp page, and more… all with frequently updated content and glowing customer reviews that showcase all your business has to offer. These potential clients should be able to quickly obtain all of the information they need by simply visiting your website or one of your social media pages. Allow users to easily look up and follow your company’s pages, subscribe to updates and promotions, and most importantly, be able to access your company for interactive conversations—the largest aspect of PR.

Publishing fresh content and updating your profiles displays dedication and responsibility to your consumers. Keep them engaged and generate additional potential connections by having a thriving online presence that shows the active nature of your company. There is no reason potential customers should have to wait until it’s your business hours to call you – by providing clear cut and easy to find information online, it makes peoples’ first-time interactions with your business one that leaves them feeling satisfied and ready to make a purchase.

The same reigns true for media placements. Whether it’s through acquiring the best ad space in a regional, national or online publication, a feature in a TV segment, or even an advertorial placement in a print/online publication, sometimes through reading or watching one of these mediums is when people first interact with your brand. It’s crucial to have this presence, made possible by media placements, to get your company out there and known by your target audience. Being able to handpick which publications to advertise in, or send press releases to, based upon their readership is another invaluable facet of PR.

PR must be managed with charm and responsibility. It must be conducted with precision and cautiously aligned with your message; PR is a favored tool in communicating to your customers that you understand their interests and the context in which your service or product is utilized in. It also has the tremendous ability to also help you to gain knowledge about the industry and your competition. Consider the following additional reasons why PR services bring tremendous value to your business:



It is important to remember in the course of branding your company’s image that people buy your reasoning, not your product. Consumers are more likely to respond to third party coverage of a product or service; they are much more likely to make purchases based on media endorsements rather than advertisements, as advertisements are perceived as just such: to sell them something. By gaining credibility through third party endorsements (media placements, celebrity endorsements, even positive Yelp and Facebook reviews), your company will inherently attract more business and loyal fans.


Attracts attention

Consistent visibility and a lively presence make your business appear more established than it actually is - this creates larger audiences and more general awareness for your service or product. The goal is always to attract the right people in the right place at the right time—a win-win for all who are involved.  Your company may secure partnerships, customers, and funding that will help you put your best foot forward if featured in the right places in a positive light.


Creates opportunities

PR creates the power of capitalization. An article posted to an online news outlet, a broadcast clip and a news release can all provide valuable opportunities to increase and optimize your business. PR, in the form of securing coveted media placements (write ups and features) is great for your bottom line, as it is much less expensive than traditional forms of advertising. PR has a proven track record for businesses that have a particular story to tell, as it provides the opportunity to share what cannot be shared through mere advertisements. PR can be substantial in increasing sales and fostering tremendous growth.



There is nothing more irritating that a generic online contact form that is neglected for extended periods of time or unanswered altogether… not to mention, your question is seldom answered the way you need it to be. Customers like to have a direct and personal point of contact and PR offers a way for them to establish relationships with actual people. Good methods of PR establish means for communication; successful companies with great PR will delegate time to follow up with people regardless of whether there are complaints or not. Having a social media presence that is done right is like having a dedicated customer service person, without having to pay and train an employee.



It is imperative to know how to be appropriately reactive in difficult situations revolving around customer service. It is paramount that your company always acts proactively in these situations by installing preventative measures through PR efforts. If your business plans to make changes to its services, intends to release a new product or even talk about its upcoming features, it should make sure to alert existing customers before these changes are made. Your business can avoid potential problems and stimulate customer satisfaction by doing this.


For more information, contact us!